CH-Li ion/锂电铜箔
锂电铜箔具有双面结构对称、金属密度接近铜理论密度,有较高的延伸率及抗拉强度 /Lithium copper foil has double-sided structure symmetry, metal density close to copper theoretical density, high elongation and tensile strength.
• 具有稳定的产品性能,具有良好的均匀性及良好的浸润性/It has stable product performance, good uniformity and good wettability.
• 锂离子电池的负极载体及集流体/Negative electrode carrier and current collector of lithium ion battery.
• 锂电铜箔具有良好的耐冷热膨胀性能,电池在充电放电过程中负极极片不易断裂,能够延 长电池的使用寿命。/Lithium copper foil has good cold and thermal expansion resistance, and the negative
产品/技术优势/Advantages of Product/ Technology
• 锂电铜箔4.5-14μm超薄铜箔/Lithium copper foil 6-14 micrometer supper thin copper foil
• 抗拉强度达到330N/mm2以上/Above 330 N/mm2 tensile strength
• 延伸率在5.5%以上/Elongation rate above 5.5 %
• 高温抗氧化能力强/Strong anti-oxidation capability under high temperature.
产品/技术应用范围Application Area(s) of Product/ Technology
适用于锂离子电池、笔记本电脑、手机、动力汽车、电容器/Suitable for lithium ion battery, notebook computer, mobile phone, power car, capacitor.
代表特性数据/Representive date
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